The Haunting Vows of the Corpse Bride: A Tale of Love and Loss

by Antoinette Barajas

The Corpse Bride, directed by Tim Burton, is a dark and whimsical animated film that tells the story of a young groom who accidentally marries a corpse. Set in Russia, this enchanting tale is based on an old Jewish folktale and is filled with captivating characters and hauntingly beautiful music.

One of the most memorable scenes in the movie is when the young bridegroom, Victor, slips his wedding ring onto the finger of a corpse while reciting his vows. This act unknowingly binds him to the Corpse Bride, who rises from the grave and claims him as her husband. The scene is both eerie and poignant, as Victor finds himself caught between two worlds – the land of the living and the realm of the dead.

The vows exchanged between Victor and the Corpse Bride are a significant moment in the film. They highlight the contrast between the lively, vibrant world of the living and the ethereal, melancholic world of the dead. The vows serve as a reminder that even in death, love can transcend boundaries and touch the hearts of both the living and the deceased.

The music in this scene, composed by Danny Elfman and John August, adds a haunting and emotional layer to the vows. Elfman’s score perfectly captures the eerie atmosphere of the film, while August’s lyrics convey the bittersweet nature of the situation. The combination of music and lyrics creates a poignant and memorable moment that stays with the audience long after the film ends.

Throughout the film, the theme of love and devotion is explored in various ways. Victor’s initial reluctance to marry the Corpse Bride stems from his deep love for his living fiancée, Victoria. Despite the unusual circumstances, Victor remains loyal to Victoria and strives to find a way to break free from his unintended marriage to the Corpse Bride.

In the end, the story affirms that the dead have no claim upon the living. Victor is ultimately able to marry Victoria, while the Corpse Bride is laid to rest. This resolution highlights the importance of honoring commitments and the power of true love to overcome even the most extraordinary obstacles.

“The Corpse Bride” is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant film that explores themes of love, loyalty, and the supernatural. The vows exchanged between the characters are a pivotal moment in the story, representing the clash between life and death, and the enduring power of love. With its captivating storyline and beautiful music, this film is a must-watch for fans of Tim Burton and lovers of dark fairy tales.

Where Are The Corpse Bride Vows From?

The Corpse Bride vows are not from a specific source but are a fictional creation for the movie “Corpse Bride” directed by Tim Burton. The movie tells the story of Victor, a young groom who mistakenly puts his wedding ring on the finger of a deceased bride, Emily, while practicing his vows in the forest. This mistake leads Victor to be wedded to the Corpse Bride in the Land of the Dead. The vows exchanged between Victor and the Corpse Bride are original to the movie and are not based on any specific folklore or tradition.

Who Wrote Corpse Bride Vows?

The vows in the film “Corpse Bride” were written by Danny Elfman and John August. Both Elfman and August collaborated on the screenplay and story for the movie. Danny Elfman, a renowned composer and songwriter, is well-known for his work in the film industry, particularly for his collaborations with director Tim Burton. In “Corpse Bride,” Elfman not only composed the score but also contributed to the writing of the script. John August, on the other hand, is a screenwriter known for his work on various films, including collaborations with Tim Burton such as “Big Fish” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Together, Elfman and August created the heartfelt and poetic vows exchanged between the characters in “Corpse Bride.”

What Is The Message Behind Corpse Bride?

The message behind Corpse Bride revolves around the themes of love, loyalty, and the acceptance of death. The film explores the idea that true love transcends life and death, but also emphasizes the importance of honoring commitments made in the world of the living.

1. Love beyond death: The movie portrays the bond between the young man, Victor, and the corpse bride, Emily. Despite being from different worlds, they connect on a deep emotional level. This highlights the idea that love can break boundaries, even those of mortality.

2. Loyalty and commitment: Victor’s commitment to his living fiancée, Victoria, is tested when he mistakenly weds the corpse bride. The film emphasizes the importance of loyalty and staying true to one’s promises, even when faced with difficult choices.

3. Accepting mortality: Corpse Bride addresses the concept of death in a sensitive manner. It encourages acceptance and understanding that death is a natural part of life. The story suggests that the dead should be allowed to rest peacefully and that the living should move forward without being burdened by the past.

4. Freedom of choice: Ultimately, the film highlights the freedom of choice and the importance of making decisions for oneself. Victor has the freedom to choose whom he wants to be with, and he decides to marry Victoria, honoring his commitment to her.

5. Compassion and empathy: Despite the tragic circumstances surrounding the corpse bride, the film also emphasizes compassion and empathy towards her. It encourages viewers to understand and sympathize with her plight while still acknowledging that the living have their own lives to live.

The message behind Corpse Bride is that love can transcend death, but the living have the freedom to choose their own paths and honor their commitments. The film promotes acceptance of mortality, loyalty, and compassion towards others.

What Does The Victor Say In A Wedding?

In the context of the novel “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley, during a pivotal encounter in the woods, Victor confronts the Monster with the intention of stopping him. However, instead of engaging in a physical confrontation, the Monster cryptically states, “I will be with you on your wedding night,” before disappearing. This statement holds significant implications for the future events in the story.

The phrase “I will be with you on your wedding night” is a veiled threat from the Monster to Victor. It suggests that the Monster plans to exact revenge or cause harm to Victor on the night of his wedding. The precise meaning of the statement is intentionally left unclear, leaving readers to speculate on the Monster’s intentions and the potential consequences for Victor.

This statement carries great weight because Victor’s impending wedding represents a moment of happiness and bliss in his life. By targeting this specific occasion, the Monster seeks to disrupt Victor’s joy and inflict emotional pain upon him.

The Monster’s words can be interpreted in different ways, and readers are left in suspense wondering what exactly he intends to do on Victor’s wedding night. Some possible interpretations include:

1. Murder: The Monster may be suggesting that he plans to kill Victor or someone close to him on his wedding night, thus destroying his happiness and plunging him into despair.

2. Kidnapping: The Monster may plan to abduct someone dear to Victor, perhaps his bride, to torment him and make him suffer for creating him and subsequently abandoning him.

3. Emotional torment: The Monster may aim to psychologically torment Victor on his wedding night, using various means to remind him of the consequences of his actions and the pain he has caused.

It is important to note that the Monster’s statement leaves room for ambiguity, and the true nature of his intentions is revealed later in the story. Mary Shelley skillfully employs this narrative technique to build suspense and keep readers engaged.

The phrase “I will be with you on your wedding night” spoken by the Monster in “Frankenstein” serves as a foreboding warning to Victor. It indicates that the Monster plans to disrupt his happiness and potentially cause harm or emotional torment on the night of his wedding. The true extent of the Monster’s intentions is left open to interpretation, adding to the suspense and intrigue of the story.


The vows exchanged between the young bridegroom and the corpse bride in the movie “Corpse Bride” are not only central to the storyline but also hold significant symbolic meaning. The act of slipping the wedding ring onto the finger of a deceased bride while reciting the vows represents a moment of both tragedy and redemption.

The vows themselves serve as a poignant reminder of the power of love and commitment. Despite the macabre circumstances, the young bridegroom’s words of devotion and promise demonstrate his unwavering dedication to the corpse bride. They also highlight the universal theme of love transcending death, as the young man’s willingness to marry a deceased bride shows that true love knows no boundaries.

Furthermore, the vows in “Corpse Bride” explore the complex emotions surrounding life and death. While the corpse bride’s tragic fate is acknowledged with compassion and sympathy, the story ultimately emphasizes the importance of embracing life and moving forward. The young man’s ultimate freedom to marry his living fiancée signifies the notion that the living have a responsibility to honor the deceased but should not be bound by them.

The significance of the corpse bride vows is further amplified by the hauntingly beautiful score composed by Danny Elfman. The music adds depth and emotion to the scene, underscoring the bittersweet nature of the situation and capturing the essence of the characters’ emotions.

The vows in “Corpse Bride” are a central element of the story, exploring themes of love, commitment, and the delicate balance between life and death. They serve as a reminder of the power of love to transcend even the most unusual circumstances and leave a lasting impact on both the characters and the audience.