What Should A Bridesmaid Have In Her Bag?

by Jessica Rankin

Being a bridesmaid is a special role that comes with important responsibilities, one of which is making sure you have everything you need in your bag to be there for the bride throughout the day. Here is a detailed guide on what a bridesmaid should have in her bag to ensure a smooth and stress-free wedding experience.

1. Emergency Kit

An essential item in a bridesmaid’s bag is an emergency kit. This kit should include items like safety pins, bobby pins, double-sided tape, a sewing kit, bandaids, pain relievers, and any other quick-fix items that may come in handy during the day.

2. Toiletries

Don’t forget to pack toiletries such as deodorant, breath mints, a small perfume or body spray, wet wipes, and any makeup touch-up essentials to stay fresh and polished throughout the day.

3. Snacks and Water

Weddings can be long and tiring, so it’s important to have some snacks like granola bars, nuts, or fruit in your bag to keep your energy up. Also, don’t forget to stay hydrated by carrying a water bottle with you.

4. Phone Charger

Make sure to have a phone charger in your bag to ensure that your phone stays charged throughout the day. You’ll likely be taking photos, coordinating with other bridesmaids, and staying up-to-date on the wedding schedule.

5. Comfortable Shoes

While you may be wearing elegant heels during the ceremony and reception, it’s a good idea to have a pair of comfortable shoes in your bag for when your feet need a break. Consider foldable flats or sandals.

6. Tissues or Handkerchief

Weddings are emotional events, and tears of joy are not uncommon. Keep a pack of tissues or a beautiful handkerchief in your bag to dab away any tears and stay composed.

7. Speech or Notes

If you’re giving a speech or toast as a bridesmaid, make sure to have your notes or speech written out and kept in your bag for easy reference. It’s always good to be prepared and have your thoughts organized.

8. Cash and ID

Having some cash on hand is always a good idea, whether for emergencies, tipping vendors, or any unexpected expenses. Don’t forget to carry your ID as well, especially if there’s an age-restricted venue.

9. Hair Accessories

Keep some spare hair accessories like hair ties, clips, or a brush in your bag to touch up your hairstyle or help the bride with her hair if needed. It’s always handy to have these items on hand.

10. Stain Remover

Accidents happen, especially when you’re wearing a beautiful dress. Pack a stain remover pen or wipes in your bag to quickly tackle any spills or stains and save the day.

11. Personal Touches

Consider adding personal touches to your bag, such as a photo of the bride and groom, a sentimental item, or a lucky charm. These items can provide comfort and a sense of connection throughout the day.

12. Positive Attitude

Above all, remember to bring a positive attitude and be there to support the bride on her special day. Your presence, enthusiasm, and love are the most valuable things you can bring in your bag as a bridesmaid.